Giving Thanks

I know that “I’m so thankful for _______” tweets, Facebook statuses and blog posts are a bit cliche, but I actually love reading all of them. It’s kind of refreshing to see so much positivity when I scroll down through my news feed. So I’m jumping on the giving thanks, basic bandwagon with this Thanksgiving post! 

A ton has changed since this time last year, namely getting a new job and moving to Florida, but I’m so thankful for all of the opportunities that God has presented me with! I literally get to wake up everyday and go to my dream job – in comfortable Florida temperatures might I add; I’ve met a ton of great people, and I’m continually learning a lot. I have an amazingly supportive, fun and loving network of family and friends…I could go on and on…


This was the first Thanksgiving that I ever recall not being with my family, and while I missed them and our traditional Thanksgiving a lot, it also made me even more appreciative of my “adopted Florida parents.” When I first moved down here, I rented a room from the Bierer family, and even after I’ve moved out, they’ve continued to look out for me. So when they heard that I wasn’t planning to go home for Thanksgiving, they welcomed me to their dinner! 

I also am very thankful for Florida weather…hello, Thanksgiving dinner outside by the pool? I think I could get used to that!

Hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was just as enjoyable and delicious! xox

Poor photo quality courtesy of cell phone camera…complete with crack across corner of lens
About the author
Hi! I'm Emily, a 30-year-old, full-time public relations CEO and Christian, and part-time equestrian and workout enthusiast. I run my own public relations firm, RandolphPR, and share bits and pieces of my life here at!