Browsing Category: Fitness

Six Reasons Why CrossFit for Equestrians

I try super hard not to be one of those people that talks or posts excessively about CrossFit, because I get it, very few people actually care about how much you can front squat. (Currently only 140 lbs., but I’m working on it; thanks for asking!) But unfortunately, when you do something a lot and […]

2017 New Jersey State Half-Marathon Recap

Generally when I do race recaps, I try to include my mile time splits or some review of the method to my madness on how I ran the race…This time though, my Nike+ tracking did not track my splits properly, and I literally had zero plan for running the race. So instead, this recap is […]

Marathon Training Monday: Breakthrough Runs

I’m presently writing this from a plane somewhere in the air between Kentucky and Pennsylvania, after wrapping up a great few weeks in Lexington. While I’m so, so sad to be leaving Kentucky already and before Pony Finals and Derby Finals, I am looking forward to getting back into a non-horse show routine, because do […]

Marathon Training Monday: Mileage is About To Get Real

Did you know that in 2014 the Palm Beach Area Chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society alone 254 patients received co-pay assistance totaling $553,321.47!? In the United States, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer approximately every three minutes and the need for financial assistance is huge! This week, I’m asking each of my […]

Philly Half Marathon Recap!!

After yesterday, I can finally check “run a half-marathon” off my lifelong to-do list!! I don’t know what took me this long to finally do one; it was so much fun, and I’m already really looking forward to my next one! (Tentatively the Sunshine State Half Marathon on January 17th.) Here’s my recap from the […]

Running For Hope

This past weekend I had a blast running the Race for Hope – Philadelphia with one of my best friends, Nicole. It was a gorgeous 5k in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum and along boat house row, but what was even better than running with Nicole on perfect fall day was that it was […]